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Love Field Airport North Concourse Demolition Dallas, TX

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Shifting Airport Purposes, Shifting Needs

As Dallas Love Field Airport turns 100 years old in 2017, Lloyd D. Nabors Demolition is proud to call it one of its satisfied customers. Any building or airport that has survived and thrived for a century will require updates, renovations and select demolition services in order to continue to grow successfully into the future. Our team has worked with Love Field Airport on several projects to help them do just that.

When the U.S. Army established Love Field Airport in 1917, it had only a few hangers and a grass landing strip. It grew back then, meeting the needs of local travelers. When the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport began its operations later, Love Field Airport focused on intrastate travel for many years. Today, this airport serves three airline carriers and provides unmatched service in the heart of Dallas.

Although all of these major shifts required renovations and updates, the Love Field Modernization Program began in 2009 to prepare for increased flight traffic from the airport around the country.

It's always tricky to complete demolition services within an active, growing and highly populated facility. Our professional engineers and technicians bring years of experience to such complex select demolition challenges. After meeting with airport officials, our team demolished the north concourse of the airport, which was located directly over a duct-bank that operates runway lighting. This concourse was also connected to an active airport terminal. Our company successfully completed this select demolition project safely, bringing our client closer to its modernization goals.

In this critical, highly specialized business, there are no second chances - you must get it right the first time!

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